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What is it like to be in a committed relationship with a partner or spouse who is struggling with sexual acting out behaviors? How do you know if they have an addiction and what can you do for them and yourself? "52 Weeks of Peace" yoga club and healing center is offering a series of lectures covering all aspects of this topic. As more and more celebraties appear in the news regarding extremes of sexual conduct, awareness begins to increase regarding this sensitive and often "embarrassing" issue. Being married or in a relationship with someone who has this problem is physically, emotionally and spiritually damaging. There are few resources for trained and experienced help. Free lectures are offered every Monday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at "52 Weeks of Peace" located at 408 "G" Bryant Circle (behind Ojai Valley News). This coming Monday, February1st, the topic will be "What is it Like to Love Someone Who is Acting out Sexually and What are the Efffects"? Shareen Prashanthi Torres, CSAT III (certified sex addiction and trauma therapist) will be providing information, answering questions. Everyone is welcome. For more info call 805-746-2341 or go online; www.52weeksofpeace.com